You Are Enough: A Guide to Knowing Your Worth as a Freelance Writer (or anything else you want to do)

Cheri Spaulding
3 min readAug 23, 2020


As a single mom with four kids, I’ve had my ups and downs when it comes to believing in myself. When my kiddos hop in my lap and tell me I’m the greatest mom in the world, I’m in great shape. My momentum is built, and I can take on the world. Then there are those times when money is tight, or I yelled at the kids, and I feel like I’m just not good enough. For some odd reason, the bad times are the ones that stick with me. For a long time, my focus would be on the bad and not the good.

Fast forward to starting a freelance copywriting career. It’s a great idea, right? I can stay home with my kids, make a legitimate full-time income, and have the freedom to do it anywhere I want. It’s the perfect mom gig. I am taking an amazing course called Write Your Way To Freedom. Not only am I learning the skills of being a kick-ass copywriter, I also have a huge support group there as well. All of my fellow students are so supportive, give great advice, and we all learn from each other.

I’m in this course with my held high, knowing I’ve got what it takes to make my dream as a writer come true. Then my thoughts go to charging clients. I’m brand new. I really don’t know what I’m doing yet. How can I charge professional pricing if I don’t feel like a professional? And FYI, this is something I’m struggling with even as I’m writing this article.

For those of you who don’t know, writing is a career that you just have to dive into. Yes, knowledge is power, but in this business, you learn by doing. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but until you put the pen to paper, it’s all terrifying.

If you’re a freelance writer just getting started or have considered becoming one, let me tell you a few things:

  1. You already have the skill. If you’re a writer, or interested in writing as a career or side gig, it’s most likely because you already know you have writing talent. We typically want to do things we know we are good at. That is part of the allure. We see something that intrigues us and our first thought is “I could do that!” Remember the excitement of the first glance. It’s so easy to get pulled under by the wave of doubt. Don’t forget, writing intrigues you for a reason.
  2. Your clients do NOT have your skill. And even if they do, they don’t have the time to do your job. So you and your time are valuable. That’s why you are a hot commodity. And if you’re a copywriter, your work is going to bring them money!! They get more sales, email opt-ins, etc. because of what you do. That’s killer for a business! Never think that the client could do your job. They hire you for a reason.
  3. Writing is a LEGITIMATE profession. I feel like a lot of times, writers are written off as unimportant. It seems people don’t view it as a real career. For so many people writing is a hobby, or just something you do if you have to. But for writers, it is a passion. We eat, sleep, and breathe it. We wake up at night with a writing idea in our head that we have to crawl out of bed and jot down. We see writing ideas all around us. Most people “people watch”, (which is so much fun, especially at Walmart) but writers “article watch.” We are constantly looking at our surroundings, seeing topics or ideas to write about. And, as I said before, your clients make money with your work. Do not sell yourself short.

The long and short of it is: YOU ARE ENOUGH. As a writer, you bring so much to the table. And for those of you reading this who are not writers, but struggle with the same insecurities, you are enough too. Finding your passion can be difficult. It took me 39 years. But when you find it, and you dive into it with full force, it is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not enough. It is enough because you are enough.



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